
For young people we engage through streetwork, drop-in activities, groups, sports and the arts, in particular football and drama. We use these activities as tools to build rapport. Ultimately we seek to build young people’s confidence and awareness of training and life opportunities.

We recognise that the quality of family relationships that young people have is vital to their well being, and for that reason we extend our support to parents and families. We operate outreach and parenting support programmes and increasingly we reach out to the full spectrum of individuals in the community. For example, we offer tenancy support in conjunction with our local housing association.

gardeningOur centres are safe and nurturing places: somewhere to hang out, have fun, get active, become inspired, learn something new and get help with the first steps towards realising an ambition.

When people face complex challenges such as drug and domestic abuse we can play a vital part, befriending them and forming trustful relationships that are a part of their support network.

We work closely with other organisations such as social work, schools, police and other agencies in the community to realise local, city-wide and national strategies.

Though our rapport and sustained commitment to the people in our community we are a bridge that enables them to grasp opportunity and achieve a better quality of life.